In this overview we will explore the gear that we have to play with. For each major item there is a separate page which details some of the history, options available and the operation of the device. Where I have been able to shoot with these devices I will also add an individual gallery page so you can get some idea of the look and feel of the images they produce.
The current list will include the following over time. Check back or follow our social media for notification of updates for new additions.
Pentax Spotmatic
Pentax MZ 50 (The Plastic Fantastic!)
Canon EOS 33
Canon 5D Mark II
ONDU 6 x 12 Multiformat pin hole camera
Sinar F 4x5 View Camera
3D Printed Home Made Large Format 5” x 4” View Camera
Kodak Brownie
Kodak folding camera
Hasselblad H3D 39 II
Canon G9
GoPRO Hero 3+
Canon EOS M100 Mirrorless
Fuji Instax SQ20
Apple iPhone 12 Pro
Canon XHA-1S HDV 3CCD Video Camera
Black Magic Design Pocket Cinema Camera 6K
Nikon Coolscan IV Scanner
Epson V700 Scanner
Studio Strobes
Studio continuous lighting
Sekonic L508 lightmeter
Gossen Lightmeter
Durst F30 35mm basic enlarger
Intrepid compact 120 enlarger
Alternative Printing Chemistry
B&W Film processing