Everything old is great fun again!
Shoots medium format film complete with red light leaks, almost sharp, strongly vignetted, ultra wide 6 x 12 format and I just feel a little bit weird but in a good way. To be fair I think the light leak happened outside the camera. It appeared to me that the roll of film was kind of lumpy looking and not wound tightly enough when I opened the back of the camera. Since it was my first roll of film in the ONDU I have noted this as an “opportunity for improvement” in my next adventure. Pinhole is one of those things that you will either love or just won’t get it. It’s a bit like playing vinyl records versus digital audio streaming. If technical perfection is a key requirement from your camera gear then take a look at the Hasselblad H3D sections in this website. If like me, you are intrigued by the unique image quality and want to put some effort into creating a sense of intrigue and strangeness into your images then this is worth a try!